CM Richard Persson

Location: Tbilisi, Georgia

Languages: English, Swedish

Rating: FIDE 2200

Hourly rate: $30

Availability: Currently accepting students on weekends

What you get

Chess lessons with Richard Persson

  • Customized chess lessons
  • Improved understanding
  • Enhanced thinking process
  • Key moments in your games
  • Tactical chess puzzles
  • Key moments in your games
  • Tactical puzzles

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Student Reviews

I highly recommend this coach. His lessons are customized, well thought out and he really invests a lot of time in preparation and the lesson itself. My training with Richard has definitely improved my understanding and enhanced my thinking process. Not to mention he is a very nice person and always takes his time to answer questions and explanations. In my opinion the hourly rate is a bargain for what is offered.

- SirDipsy, from Germany

I've been using Richard as a coach for a few months now and have begun seeing a rise in my rating. Not only does he put in a ton of extra time preparing new lessons for you, but he analyzes positions, gives you puzzles, and really helps you understand greater thematic approaches to the world of chess. I've gone up around 150 rating points while using his strategies/ advice. He's incredibly punctual, a great conversation, and overall an awesome person. For $25.00 a lesson you will not find a better coach on here. Thank you for everything Richard!

- Rgorr, from USA

Good coach! I've had ~35 lessons of various themes. Lessons consist of circa 1 hour of chapters going over key moments in your games, and other games of various levels. Lessons often start off light with tactical puzzles of varying difficulty, often with a theme you've decided on before-hand. When going over games, Richard often checks various lines with the help of an engine. Whether this is positive or negative is of course subjective, but it doesn't diminish the lessons as a whole. Engine lines can be more or less useful, but he doesn't hesitate to answer any questions, including…

- Ninterd, from Sweden

SirDipsy (Germany)

I highly recommend this coach. His lessons are customized, well thought out and he really invests a lot of time in preparation and the lesson itself. My training with Richard has definitely improved my understanding and enhanced my thinking process. Not to mention he is a very nice person and always takes his time to answer questions and explanations. In my opinion the hourly rate is a bargain for what is offered.

Rgorr (USA)

I've been using Richard as a coach for a few months now and have begun seeing a rise in my rating. Not only does he put in a ton of extra time preparing new lessons for you, but he analyzes positions, gives you puzzles, and really helps you understand greater thematic approaches to the world of chess. I've gone up around 150 rating points while using his strategies/ advice. He's incredibly punctual, a great conversation, and overall an awesome person. For $25.00 a lesson you will not find a better coach on here. Thank you for everything Richard!

Ninterd (Sweden)

Good coach! I've had ~35 lessons of various themes. Lessons consist of circa 1 hour of chapters going over key moments in your games, and other games of various levels. Lessons often start off light with tactical puzzles of varying difficulty, often with a theme you've decided on before-hand. When going over games, Richard often checks various lines with the help of an engine. Whether this is positive or negative is of course subjective, but it doesn't diminish the lessons as a whole. Engine lines can be more or less useful, but he doesn't hesitate to answer any questions, including unintuitive engine lines! I'm around 1200 FIDE, and he's very good at coming up with studies suitable for my level, as well as very challenging puzzles that train your thinking. Strongly recommend this coach, and the price is perfect for students as well.